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Unique sculpture of a glutton

Jarama II (Valdesotos de Jarama, Guadalajara)
Mammoth ivory
Length: 8.5 cms
Museo de Guadalajara.
Depositado en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid

Sculpture of seated horse

Duruthy, Landes, France
Length: 13.8 cms
Musée Archéologique d’Arthous, Hastingues
950903 79.1.3

Sculpted horse head

Duruthy, Landas, Francia
Length: 7.1 cms
Musée archéologique d’Arthous, Hastingues
950902 79.1.1

Sculpted horse head

Duruthy, Landes, France
Mammoth ivory
Length: 4.9 cms
Musée archéologique d’Arthous, Hastingues
950901 79.1.2

Swimming reindeer

Montastruc, Bruniquel, France
Mammoth ivory
Length: 20.7 cms
The British Museum

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