Fundación Botín Exhibition Space
Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, 3. Santander
From 19th April to 2nd June 2013
Open daily from 10:30 am to 9:00 pm


Exhibition Space. Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, 3. Santander.

The Human being: Creative from the beginning
We will dive into the origins of the human creativity by performing a magic trip in time.
PARTICIPANTS | Children aged betwen e 6 to 12 years old.
The family will participate in the end of the session.
Max 15 children, by order of registration.
DATES | 10 and 18 July I 1, 8, 22 and 29 August I 5, 11 September
SCHEDULE I From 12th to 13.45 hours

Make a magic trip to the origin of the human being´s creativity.
A different way to learn and enjoy through the observation, reflection and dialogue,
in a session with staff from the Fundación Botín.
SESSIONS |10, 17 and 24 July I 7, 14 and 21 August I 4, 11 and 18 September
SCHEDULE I 20.00 hours

Specialized Guided Tours
Accompanied by experts , we will learn about specific details related to the history and
archeology of some of the works, in addition to the most important ideas and goals of this exhibition.
SESSIONS | 18th July Dra. Olivia Rivero Vilá. Researcher at the CREAP
(Centre de Recherche et d´Études pour l´Art Préhistorique
8th August Dr. Roberto Ontañón. Director of the Prehistoric Caves of Cantabria
12th September Dr. Roberto Ontañón. Director of the Prehistoric Caves of Cantabria
TIMETABLE I 20.00 hours

Tours for Groups
Prior appointment by phone at the number: +34 942 22 60 72

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